every user you get total maximum no of records in system is 10,000.
When you reach 10,000 records limit you need to subscribe one more user, your limit will be increased by 10,000 records.
for e.g.
You have subscribed for 4 users you will get 4 * 10,000 = 40,000 maximum total no of records in system.
Once you have reached the limit of 40,000 records you will have to subscribe for at least 1 more user as it will give you additional 10,000 records to use.
Now you will have
5 users 5 * 10,000 = 50,000 maximum total no of records in system.
Why this limit: Processing records takes time as each record increases, it adds to processing time which in turn increases cost.
CPU, RAM, I/O, database size, file size processing time and cost's increases with increase in number of records / data size.
Software is provided to you as a service, you are subscribing for the same we do not want you or others to find lag or slow response time processing records.
For clarity on records see point Records.